[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Final Tribal Council]



Btw I didn’t see Jgo’s score for the challenge?

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Uhh let me go update that. Prob just missed it

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Fixed btw

Honestly I kinda knew how many of those answers would go.
But at the same time it makes me… disappointed.
I should no longer be seen as a threat to you all, since you guys voted me as the one you want to go.

Not gonna lie.

Slightly insulted.

(Despite the fact I voted myself for the first 2)

Lets see who voted who to release the mega beef

For all the questions?
I just voted who I thought other people would vote.
Did everyone else actually answer those questions honestly?


I literally thought the challenge was Sheep where you need to vote what others vote.
Then for my answers I said just to reuse what I put because I put what I believe are the most popular answers.

I voted the questions honestly ;-;

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…oh that’s why I was voted most gullible…

I did my own true answers and then I did what I thought everyone else did…

I voted you as the “forgets they’re playing” one sorry x

I think I did myself as the most gullible heh

Sorry for the delay again. I’m trying my best, to keep this running smoothly but life says screw off a lot. Will get the results soon, once I get to work

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In the mean time submit votes if u havent. Idk who has and who hasnt

Calculating Results now. @Ami can you get the next challenge setup and ready to go?

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Before I announce the results does anyone have a hidden immunity idol they want to play?

Well… I guess no sticks this week.