[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]

Cough Don’t use android phone to play game with android virus Cough


Fuck, I need to install the app

This is harder than I expected it to be.

Has anybody managed to get a higher score than 2000?

I cannot disclose that but others can if they want

I got very close.

Me too, I’ll probably beat it soon.

Got higher than 2000.

Now go beat me.

Damn you WazzaAzza. I’ll be back… hopefully with a better score than you.

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I got 7k so.

I’m calling your bluff.

Also I have 7093.

These are confusing times.


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Whoever gets 1337 should win IMO.

Watch Eevee make a robot that can basically get an infinite score.

I will say that robots doing that are banned

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Oh, that’s a relief.

4 hours remain. get on it

I could only get around 400 and my ass is too exhausted to try again

well make sure to hand that in

I did.

I was forbiden from doing it.

I only had my gamer reflexs to back me up.

As per my score, it’s obviously



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