[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]

Just spend 480 hours of your life real quick to get the hang of it, it’s not a big deal :upside_down_face:

480 minutes for a season, which is what I was recommending. That’s like 8 hours, which can be knocked out in a week easily if you decide to push sleep back for like an hour and a half every night.

Healthy? No
Worth it? Probably not
Entertaining? Hell yes


spectating will probably be a hassle so sorry no specs.

it actually doesn’t take much of a time commitment consistantly, just hop on when you can and do the challenge then hop off.

I have SFoL and Luxy’s LOTR FM and school so I don’t want to be inactive af if I’m dividing my time like that

fair enough

Not sure if I have time for this right now.



/I’m heading inside this castle!

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i giggled when i read this

I’m not on the player list. Triggered.


/Win for the in

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le bump

ur pfp reminds me of the musical ghost


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yo he’s good

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It’s Napstablook from Undertale.

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Oh hey look I have time to join this now :upside_down_face:

I know nothing about Survivor, but to hell with it I didn’t know anything about LOTR either



I’m completely addicted to this series now and I’m on episode 4 of the latest season

I swear to god if they kill the chickens I will murder them. GOOO WENDY!!! WIN!