[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]

Can I have someone publicize my confessional now?

The Crown’s dictatorship will return.


In all honesty this was a blast to host for a large part of it, perhaps this will return for a second season sometime, maybe I’ll host big brother next…perhaps…

I’d host a game show volunteers

Big brother, best brother.

Right so I can publicise my confessional now right?

Also at the end of my tribal

I had like five people yelling


i don’t trust you with the reigns of hosting something you can improv your way through

I’d be down to be ur host bud again. It was a blast to work with ya

Okay nothing about this game made me more ticked than Marshal stating that I betrayed him

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I’m annoyed at the fact I used my idol on Magnus and he ended up getting modkilled as well.
I’m annoyed at a lot of things this game.

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coming summer 2020

(if i have time ofc xoxo)

ok boomer

But it was nice to come in second I guess

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Is there a Moderator online?

Honestly the amount of modkilled that should have happened was atrocious imo


Who else voted for me? PKR? A lot of the people that didn’t like me were on the jury lmao

Pkr and Jgoes iirc

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We were a SOCIETY.