[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]

Blood for the blood gods.

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How do you know?
fire represents life.
the fire is snuffed,
so, you know…

Because if they aren’t dead, then it makes me ugly.

Okay, let’s do it /mutiny

Whoever wants to join new, 3rd tribe with me, your welcomed to come.


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Do we know this for sure?

I cannot say more than i already have

Eevee don’t do it

Stay with us


that’s crazy

Join the 3rd tribe for maximum spice from this game.

Both tribes should know what I mean.

eevee, do you know whether its always a third tribe, or only if enough people on a particular tribe attempt it?

I have an office meme for if i mutiny.
Just in case

Fuck it.

There need to be enough people, yep.

Marshal come with us

at least 1, cause there can’t be a tribe with 0


Guys, it’s not a third tribe ._.

I mean, a third tribe is different


And if you’re good enough at finding the idol who cares what tribe you’re on!

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