[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]

quick question

is it supposed to adairt or did u misspell adiart?

i can’t spell


oi what

You copied meh!

you realize its two complete different formats

this is actually survivor and that is more of a game with a survivor theme

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something along those lines

hey magnus when did you change your title?


i said when, not how!
it used to be acheronte movebo or something
that information is still useful tho

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oh ok

then like 30 min ago when there was a god joke somewhere in the clown fiesta or cookie thread

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Seems fun might have to just spectate though

Hello you found clue number 1

I didn’t even notice!
Blame Priestess

It’s almost as if I want active people on my team so that we don’t lose challenges…

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I’d be interested :+1:

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expect rules soon

rules are up

how do idols work gimme an example

Probably the most famous one for you

s31 Cambodia spoilers below