[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]

Hello I think I can try to do it now — one question first. How long do we get to find someone?

3 minutes

Okay to hell with it let’s go rn

Barack Obama

No more people who were borned outside of Poznań, Poland.

Małgorzata Musierowicz

No more men

She is a woman. I won.

Wait what? I thought that wasn’t a rule unless we made it one

that part

its called no more women, isnt a rule until you making it one

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Kai, she can’t create no more man rule with giving woman as example.

That part

then wouldnt you be out as well

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Barack Obama was borned outside of Poznań, hence no more people borned outside Poznań.

I said a woman and I said no more men

Oh I see what you mean. Meh

Yeah, man and woman are different.

Person borned outside and being porned outside is same.

the rule takes effect after your statement

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Then you need to fix the rules.

this is literally a basic game i-

jsut restart mkay

It’s like I would say

Barack Obama, no more musicians.