[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]

im here

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I literally said I can’t play right now.

Oh for the fucks sake.

But I’ll just do it for the sake of you needing someone to do it.
@Simon prepare to win loser.

im afraid i cant.

itll be you that wins this

No, let’s do the fair match, meh.

Altho after my showcase it’s not gonna be fair anymore

This looks very fair.

Me vs Simon is Unseen vs Unseen.

We are basically best friends.

(okay you took too long I’m going sleep)

@Isaac_Gonzalez vs @Simon

how is this fair

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how do we decide who goes first?


what is happening?

im too lazy for this


so are you going to play or na

Okay… Once again then.

Who is online and can play rn?


Whoever is on, just like my post and let’s get it over with.

Otherwise it will last 10 days if we do 1 battle daily.

Im here

Me vs @Hippolytus

Let’s go