[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]

Shhh eevee :stuck_out_tongue:

@Ami @DatBird every time I win, I will choose to go against someone else and just like in the case of Eevee due to this I’ll be around first which means I’ll make a certain move.

I’ll explain it in my confessional. That way this challenge should be able to end right here, right now.

^ I can say that’s true.

I know the sure way to win this challange for person making first move as well.

Tbh, can we finaly have a challange which is not abusable by a person going first?
Like same thing was with “No more womans”.

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Jfc that’s all I have to say

The hosts will speak and decide what to do. Jfc

Message sent Dat and Kai.
Please check it out. Thank you.

A new challenge has been pitched waiting to see if it gets approved by the Probst man. Hopefully soon it or something else will begin

Awwww. But I would’ve got immunity T-T

Well u shouldnt have broken game then :stuck_out_tongue:

I did not break the game! I pointed out my guaranteed win strat.
That’s not broken, it’s playing the game that should be played :angry:

Yeah… but ice cream machine broke

I’ll go mend it. Because solving a puzzle like that is just as cool as ice cream ;3

I’ll give ya a hint of what I pitched, are ya a fast at ______ing. Well the fastest ______er wins

There’s a few too many words that can fit in here.
And some are not safe for these forums O.o

Well I meant a sfw one that can easily be calculated

Clicking? We can post, right?

Technically this was a puzzle.

Also Solv
But this was also something to find puzzles on.

Sure for now til the Probst man comes. And not clicking
