[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]

When does a strategy become an exploit. It’s a weird line ya know. Like once u said the first person who goes always wins. That’s when I say its exploitable

PKR is sad now. If PKR had stayed quiet and made Eevee do so then PKR would’ve gotten immunity.

everyone roll discobot whoever gets highest wins

ez challenge

Pretty sure there’s no guaranteed way to win if you go first at chess.


Pretty sure there is if you optimise your strategy and your opponent doesn’t know.
Certain moves guarantee win in chess.

Technically, I think PKR would have used have used that strat in his favor and abuse the crap out of it. Tbh, I think that is exploiting the game

I’m up for chess.

As long as you allow me to proggram own simulator who tries to analyze best possible move.


Hey quick questionnaire that might impact a future challenge

  • I have access to a PC rather consistently
  • I have access to a mobile device consistently
  • I have access to both consistently
  • I’m eevee

0 voters

Thanks eevee

MoD AbUsE!

If that’s allowed, I’m doing it too.

This makes me feel sad but I know I ain’t a bad guy.

As long as it’s your own proggram and not using any preprepared ones, I’m up for it.

Just gonna take I’m eevee as both since like this is a tad important

Respond to the questioner this is in reply to when u have a chance


Can I do the challange?

I will not participate.

What challenge?

One which includes logical thinking, but doesn’t give advantage to anyone.

Send in ur confessional. I want to see it first