[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]

Could you all please try to organize a time for the next challenge, thanks

Tomorrow works for me from 2019-10-13T10:30:00Z to 2019-10-13T19:00:00Z unless something comes up.

I’m busy today pretty much all day but anytime any other day is good

Im free all day today but not free anytime any other day.


I think those are the last ones who havent replied yet. Go reply to kai

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:eyes: yikes

Free all day.


That’s not a time

depends on what day it is

That’s literally what you’ve also got to choose.

today from right now to 3 am because i don’t sleep til 5 am

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Technicly I don’t have anyone right now.

So yes, I’m a free person.

@Ami is there anyway we can like move this forward with not everyone at the same time. I dont think we are gonna get one time that 7 I think people are gonna be on at once due to timezones

i’ll figure it out

Well, I have a suggestion,

Takes out osu game.
Eevee has done th-

Shurian has been banished to the spectator realm.

Eevee does compete in osu it was a pretty interesting watch


I’ll get a challenge out when i get home from school


Play hextirs, highest score in 24 hours wins immunity


Kai, is it supposed to constantly crash?