[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]


come on down :slight_smile:

Hippo should have died the first tribal.
I was deciding on whether or not I should sabotage our results to go straight to tribal, not going to lie.

@Hippolytus send me the pic you want to be the logo for the server

I could have won every single immunity and PKR still wouldnt have voted me lol


Why lol

Also Jgoes mentioned to me eevee was skilled in cryptography.
I knew they bloody had the idol.
And I didn’t put in a FAILSAFE.
JESUS. I hate myself.

That was when I asked if you were good in cryptography @eevee

I’m like “If I have found the idol and eevee hasn’t then what the hell am I?”

Long story.

Jgo was the most loyal person to me ever

Jgoes was on my team originally.
He is quite loyal.

hip give me a picture to use for the alum server

If eevee hadnt come to our first tribal id have gone out first, kyo would be in, and whole game would be totally different.

Your welcome

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I mentioned to eevee how much I needed Magnus’ vote so I thought they’d instead go for him instead of me. Thought you’d think I would think you’d go for me instead of Magnus if I had an idol.

That’s why I played my Idol on Magnus.
And eliminated myself. And got to see him modkilled the next day.

I still peg kyo as the true champion.

Cheers @Ami and @DatBird it wasnt perfect but you did a darn good job overall I salute u.

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I legit would’ve voted for Wazza though if I was a jury member tbh. Wazza is like the nice guy that everyone likes