[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]

I apologize for thinking you were fake

So i rlly enjoyed this and eevees ffa, and they reminded me a while ago i designed a forum version of the bluffing game “Coup” for about 15 ppl. Would ppl be interested in playing? Ud make alliances and shit but theres also bluffing and assadsinations and voting. I made it kinda like Behind the Masks for dummies.


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Which coup, coup or coup rebellion. Either way I’m down

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It uses the basics rules of coup but has 7 roles in total to account for more ppl and each roles a bit simpler. Had to change it quite a bit so all players and roles acted simultaneously cuz obvs going in a circle is boring af on a forum.

I might show ppl the rules first to make sure its not broken or anything. If anyones good at that sort of thing and wouldnt mind pls lemme know.

If it’s even remotely similar to Coup, I’d probably love it.

Is there like a misc queue still or what.

Not really. I think u can just host it. But a quick dm to the people who can tell you for certain couodnt hurt

anyone watch finale of most reason survivor season last night?


My winner pick got 2nd 2 seasons in a row :unamused:


My winner pick got like 15th lol

I think second place was robbed tbh, id have voted them to win over winner.

samesies(except i might be biased lol)

Im especially pissed at last year’s 2nd place who was really fucking robbed

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like Tele?

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Big oof

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