[Misc] The Battle of Wits - Canned

“The Battle of Wits has begun.” - Westley, The Princess Bride (1987)

Heard of the phrase, “WIFOM”, well, that game from the Princess Bride and it means “Wine in front of me”.

Because this is not a “FM: Forum Mafia” or an “FoL: Forum of Lies” the blacklist will not apply to this game. "Get used to disappointment."

The Setup:

  • Every round starts with every living player having a cup of wine in front of them. One of the wines is randomly poisoned.
  • At the start of the round, one random player will be told where the poison is.
  • A turn order is randomly generated per round.
  • In order, each player can choose to KEEP their cup, or SWAP cups with another player of their choice.
  • To keep : /vote Keep, To swap : /vote [player]
  • After everyone takes their turn - if the last player to act swapped their drink, the player who they swapped with gets to take an additional turn and choose to Keep or Swap.
  • Everyone drinks and the poisoned player dies.
  • On the last round when it becomes 1v1, the player who does not know the location of the poison automatically goes last.
  • Last person standing wins.
  • Players can talk whenever they want in the topic about whatever they want.

Round 1:

  • Five Cups are poisoned.
  • Five players are informed of where one poison is.


  1. htm - Turn 19 - Cup 19
  2. Astand - Turn 20 - Cup 6
  3. Magnus - Turn 10 - Cup 10
  4. Marcus - Turn 1 - Cup 3
  5. DatBird - Turn 2 - Cup 2
  6. Hippolytus - Turn 17 - Cup 17
  7. Hjasik - Turn 18 - Cup 18
  8. Meteoro - Turn 13 - Cup 5
  9. Shurian - Turn 8 - Cup 1
  10. Boss110 - Turn 14 - Cup 14
  11. Margaret - Turn 7 - Cup 8
  12. fireslol - Turn 12 - Cup 7
  13. Gamerpoke - Turn 9 - Cup 9
  14. Isaac - Turn 5 - Cup 13
  15. Discobot - Turn 3 - Cup 12
  16. Bluestorm - Turn 11 - Cup 11
  17. PoisonedSquid - Turn 4 - Cup 4
  18. Damafaud - Turn 16 - Cup 16
  19. Reaper - Turn 15 - Cup 15
  20. Geyde - Turn 6 - Cup 20

Feel free to move this topic, I just placed it here because it is a forum match as we are playing against each other.

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/in, at low effort.

One worry is that we’ll have to wait too long for turns and people will lose interest, probably some time limit should be in place (or maybe this would be better as turbo).



Can you make a circle of life for this game :^)

Not sure if it will be useful for this.

@Emilia you’re blacklisted, right?

This sounds fun.

Also hi htm
Should I try this game?

@Wazza is it publically announced who knows the location of the poison?

@discobot roll 1d2

:game_die: 1

/in looks like I’m keeping round 1


@discobot roll 1d2

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

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Guess I’m never keeping

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