luna you are dead stop talking
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use the bucket to get the flood water and pour it down the sink.
no more flood
(ok ok I’ll stop now)
Wrong, a lawdaddy can never be killed
The water fought the law, and the law won
“Dude. I’m not wasting my mana flying”
The Radio Transmittion cuts out with Wazza Azza after you hear a scream.
Objective: Find a Bird that will take you to the 15th floor without using an action.
“bitch youre already safe use your mana”
I got one
press f to pay respects
I found one too
“are you dead lmao”
why do u need a cane
Break the egg
are u gonna poke hjas
A Player has already obtained a bird that can do this. Also just saying, this bird can be used as a transport device for any item to any floor or to get a player to any floor.
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don’t teleport here
i made a friend
datbird got a bird
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