Objective: Find a Bird that will take you to the 15th floor without using an action. - Failed
Objective: Check out Floor 1
But I found It!!!
You never went to the 15th Floor though.
I was waiting for gamer to come!
Rip simon
I used curse spell And wrote simon
Blood on floor 1 under a desk,Simon is good
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Dont know it did but something not good
Simon is ok
Objective: Find a Bird that will take you to the 15th floor without using an action. - Completed
Objective: Check out Floor 1 - Completed
Objective: Head to the 15th Floor and find out what caused Wazza Azza to scream
There is a mysterious blood splatter on Floor 1!
Is that blood from My curse
Going to 15
Just leave the cane on the ground?
Im on 1,moving to 15
Take me with you
Your in my back
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Pick the key
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