[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

im gonna reember you saying that

ifs she survives tomarrow then im killing you

If you can’t It proves you lied

Isaac,stop the hostilities,I’m trying to stop half the players from dying

youre trying to get me killed

She isn’t on 1

so now your lying so when she survies tomarrow you have an excuse

gotcha buddy

Isaac,I’m trying to keep everyone alive

prove to me she isn’t there

Want to go to 1?


Why is nerbins still here?

@Meteoro can you send me to f3 now?

asking a player to push you down some stairs or “falling” down some stairs and I’ll break your bones.

it only takes a little snap crackle and pop.


do that in room chat

Look in my classcard

In your chat