[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

who dare try to kill marg :angry:

A lookalike

me sir!

I can confirm it wasnt this man. Frame on yourself denied

since it’s night can i move now


Support denied.

wait, i need to pick the other half of crutches first

You should come help me on floor 3 lol. I’m a broken man

what is the point of moving if i will have no action left

not sure How.

/escape the hotel and live forever. Good command guys.

I mean you get 2 actions

i need one action to

and one action to move, so it’s none left

Then dont move? And look around instead?

they are telling me to go to floor 10 for a stupid tape player

i think other half of crutches is more useful than listening to old man wizard rant tape

It’s better then chasing around an egg that keeps attacking me and rejecting me

Exactly so stop doin’ it.

Never, you’ll have to kill me first!