[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

first talk cuz im cool

This changes everything

I’m taking mana potion now

/slap simon for being a noob

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GamerPoke walked up to the Mana pouch and took it right of the desk!

Simon walked up to the Hammer and took it right of the desk!

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wtf how do u guys see these things

Pick one of the ones on the top

/take stuff from the desk

Meteoro walked up to the Mana pouch and took it right of the desk!

There are no Mana Pouches left.

Hometown boy is p good

id like to specify that its first come first serve based on when you get your card (since their not all simultaneously posted)
like if you ask for it 30s after your card was given,
and someone else, whose card was given 3 minutes before yours was, asked for it 1 minute after they got their card, you would get the item

It’s in the OP what you can take. You can only take one item.

/vote myself for leader
Please,I need to be leader once

It’s after dawn started pretty sure

I’ve already sent all classes lol.

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/take Hometown Boy

True dat

Boss and Hjasik now lives in England (aka he took Hometown Boy)

speaking of which how is it already dusk?
shouldnt it start at dawn?

i am pro gaming