[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

Because isaac thinks metereo might send him with someone

no, i mean why would they be a good choice for leader right now

i agree but i want their reasoning

no because i want meteoro to win

so theres no reason for which their being leader might benefit us all?


Im really questioning Isaac’s wincon

There is he’s king of England

whats the point in marg being a leader if meteoro can just win by becoming one

For king?

Isaac is like confirmed not town at this point

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yes so please vote meteoro

and how exactly does that help us all?

@Meteoro vote meteoro

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My 2 votes stick on marg

We will have king of England as king of our floor wich will boost morality of our party


Check your wincons again

Survive and become the Leader

Should be EVERY town’s wincon

why is marg becoming our leader

No lol

meteoro don’t you want to win