[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

im seriously helping you rn

thats not my wincon


keep questioning

It isn’t only mine?

survive and make something useful

that’s not mine either

How can all town have wincon to become leader they would be pretender not town

Not mine either

it prolly depends on what starting item you chose

Oh maybe town has like 3 different wincons based off what their role is


My wincon was before starting item

wait no that doesnt make sense

You’re not town you’re pretender

can i start attacking marg now?


So I guess town has a list of possible wincons that each person may have

hjas help me kill marg

No become leader is not town wincon it’s neuts wincon lol

lol no

yeah upon further realization my class was basically designed for hammer.
i honestly didnt realize it i just wanted hammer