[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

Can we put them together ?

Also I wanted to get confirmed

sayig this again. if i get sent into a room with someone i will kill them if they try to take anything

thats bs

unless its hjas because we have the same wincon

ill be taking useful things
because then they wont be flooded

Send him solo

well try and take it then

ill present them to the group, but i will be picking them up

we’ll both see what happens after

its actively anti-town to prevent people from picking things up


its my stuff youre taking

Oh I got passive that makes my creatures use 2 actions per turn now from hometown

i might kill you once we get into the room

Anyone opposed to ganging up on Isaac and killing him?

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I am

Btw if someone finds something to sharpen things tell me

ok ill stop being anti town

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I am not