[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

@Margaret are you ready yet?

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Im thinking like damn

Think publicy so we can help?

  1. Magnus - Floor 4, meets up later with Lightsin
  2. Meteoro - Floor 2
  3. Hjasik - Floor 15
  4. Maxwell - Floor 10
  5. Margaret - Floor 1, moves to 9
  6. Isaac - Floor 14 (Forced by Metereo)
  7. Gamerpoke - Floor 7
  8. Lightsin - Floor 3, goes to floor 4 later to Magnus
  9. Boss - Floor 9
  10. Simon - Floor 2

Cant move so many floors

@Margaret lightsin on floor 1

time to meet hjas


Got you

hopefully they don’t die somehow :smiling_imp: (jk I don’t kill pros)

You can move Isaac if you want,it will cancel my action

  1. Magnus - Floor 4, meets up later with Lightsin
  2. Meteoro - Floor 2
  3. Hjasik - Floor 15
  4. Maxwell - Floor 10
  5. Margaret - Floor 9
  6. Isaac - Floor ?? - Unmoved & unloved
  7. Gamerpoke - Floor 7
  8. Lightsin - Floor 1, moves to floor 2 or 3 based on need
  9. Boss - Floor 9
  10. Simon - Floor 2
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no matter what im moving up so

whoever is in there will be killed

I would put him on floor 11 or 12

Where he cant reach us nor Hjasik

Thats good


I like that idea put me in 11

Rip maxwell

Wait before submitting,I’ll ask if i can change,he can move Up to 3 floors

buddy I have a syringe that makes me rage and I can move to any floor