[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)


Put an embargo on their games

What nottt :frowning:

Will you join the FoL I’m posting signups for in a sec lol?

also no

Wazza, too many games

You on hiatus or something

Or do ya just hate me.

FoL ain’t starting for a while.

there’s literally no games on rn

Or exams?

TOo MaNy

So I’ve had to put it in my own hands.

I’m not going to have internet for April 1st-April 8th


Scp,magnus’s RP,this one

Ouch. Fair.

Those don’t count as forum mafia games

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And Fk’s own game

2 weeks before april,you have time to play

ApRiL 8tH

That doesn’t start till April 8th

It won’t start for long time