[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

Yeah no

No one is going to choose you except you

Well, the monster egg attacked me

Im fine with that

i wil choose myself


An egg attacked you? Gg

ill give the bullets to hjas

either simon or marg again

nvm im gonna use it to get wood

It grew spines and cut me

are you injured


So we can confirm that monsters in this round of flood are REAL


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I only have one turn during the night

there was slime on my chest

i guess it was a trap

i have say that monster are real for many time

Next Leader

  1. Magnus
  2. Meteoro
  3. Hjasik
  4. Maxwell
  5. Margaret
  6. Isaac
  7. Gamerpoke
  8. Lightsin
  9. Boss
  10. Simon

0 voters

(Note: not official. thats tomorrow)
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/vote my self

Also Boss

I dont want to be leader again unless necessary unless you want more item spawns

Let either metereo (for wincon), Simon (for strategic purposes), or Lightsin (so everyone is semi-happy)


Cause Light is Light