[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

don’t bully nerbins! :((


Then who are the 2 you are counting as humans that arent you and nerby

Don’t talk here then!

also nerbins doesn’t bully me.

stop contradicting my logic.

Nerby does bully everyone

But the bullied wouldnt know that


I am quite literally the “Resident Gamethrower” for a reason

I quite literally contradict all logic

Has everybody already used all their actions?


Isn’t your job to contradict it in the wrong way.

i got stuck in slime so i lost one

2 people who are asleep haven’t.

Idk about the others.

I have infinite actions because a loophole i found that Wazza is limiting to 5 actions and fixing next phase

gawd you noob why’d you get stuck in slime.

you found what? when was this.

now I’m technically in the game so

@Margaret ilyy

do you just want to join the game ._.

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You dont have to say anything or hide it

I wont tell them how to do it

actually have no idea what this is, I haven’t read the op yet

genius right here.
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