[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

Literally all I said.

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I forcefully put you in.

What about this?

you did tho, you wanted to see it still happen.

Does this mean I get special powers because I indirectly made this happen?



I’m guessing we don’t ping except for that?

For questions?

Okay, something isn’t explained. Can’t the leader just send everything to the lowest unflooded floor and they all die?

The players can use a turn to move themselves

You ping for any moves you do in your classcard.


you can move using 1 action

and its public

No. People can move themself.

Unless it’s during the night

I mean like the leader

unless host changing that

Ya, that vote is public

Ah. Nice. Is there gonna be a mechanic where there’s a guaranteed golden item during nightfall phase on the lowest unflooded floor?
Just throwing it out there.

/in I think.
So anybody who is sent to the 1st floor is just dead?

Don’t you mean elected leader?