[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

like wtf is that

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I agree, the grammar in the above sentence is atrocious.


So is yours :slight_smile:

i doubt that.
she would go for a less complex strat imo.
like just killing you.
not saying anything about it, not warning or threatening.
just waiting until she were next to you/poke/whomever she supposedly wants dead.
then killing them and disposing of the body in a way im sure she’s realized but i dont want to say just in case

no because she didn’t know what I had

Well that’s just rude.
Waz can you modkill Marg pleeeeeez? /s


she wouldn’t go for someone knowing she could get easily killed

if I was trying to kill someone I would fish for what items they have first

oh noes.
an uncertainty

How would I even get to floor 12 when im in on floor 7 going down to floor 4

so the easy thing to do is to frame the person so the person will get attacked by all

I like How meteoro refuses to Check if boss killed her

Hey Nerby

Im sowwy

Im very aggrovated after survivng a bomb and then being put in a watery grave

then u can sit back and wait for others to kill the target

that what marg did lmao

she put gamer in there to also frame hjas for knowing the idea

but also frmaing me at the same time

Im checking if boss is on 10


He wasnt in 9?