[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

thats not what i asked.
marg answered my question

What if you refuse

I can,get reck

You cant

You auto get moved
And just never choose that person as leader ever again

If someone is killed It says something like “MIA”

hey marg can i ask if you’ll do a thing?

But you get to escape your fate whenever :woman_shrugging:

will you send people in pairs?
because sending a singular person is ripe for a traitor messing us all up

I became leader btw


Yes. I’ll be sending people in groups of 3

Send people in groups of 0

that also works out for the 1 leader

If the leader sends everyone to floor 1, would you ever choose them as leader again?

Choose me leader,I’ll send people in pairs

Send everyone to floor 1


I firmly believe leader should go solo to catch people that may go traitor just incase you choose like 2 traitors and 1 non traitor

Now seriously can I get leader?

If leader goes solo they can easily die