[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

so send isaac and hja to the same floor, got it


ill be okay with you sending me with a pro

groups of 3 so traitor/s cant mess with us as much

We will team up and I will keep my minionize

same thing for groups of 1

just send everyone into there own room

If there is group of 1 traitor could be there

1-15 and your sending groups of 3

Seriously,if certain conditions met I’m making a spear and killing hja/isaac

wtf is this

Everyone in their own room from 1 to 10 no one is allowed to leave their room

You will be auto minionized

yes, because if everyone was on their own a traitor could easily handicap us with no one noticing

send me by my self

im the traitor so you guys are fine


this is a bad idea


What if everyone started on 1 floor and then at dusk, moved up a floor by alternating 1-2

So no floor is missed and people are grouped for most of the time and only occasionally solo

just send me by my self and no one dies

no that’s a bad idea


Yeah figured it was a very bad idea