[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

we can meet at floor 14 instead

its teleport

all of this could’ve been stopped by just putting me with a pro

Dont submit Isaac,submit the others and do /nomore,I want to see my ability


if I say I was memeing will you guys get mad


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is it too late to say I was memeing

You better be memeing



I kidna memed this whole time so I can be wit ha pro


Im going to lock in floor plan now

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guess ill just be looting

eh this is what happens when you do that

I’ll prob move to floor 3 if i have a spare action

Build auto turret on floor 13

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if you hadnt threatened and just said that you really wanted to be with poke/hja im sure me/marg could have figured something out

i wasn’t lying about my abilities

i can just tp to anywhere i want