[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

I can tell anyone else the truth but you

that’s why I said put me with the pros

plsu some of the things is said were true

but your dumbass assumed it was a lie

so stop trying to make others kill me plz thx

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Heres the thing Isaac

Its actually incredibly annoying and we are SUPPOSED to work together to get out of this tower

Not attack, lie, and instigate

Seriously, I have an ability where I can shoot everyone in my room at Midnight. I can only activate it at Dusk and everyone in my room is alerted.

Isn’t Marg the leader?

yes she is

@Magnus Hey there! Please choose an item before I go sleep.

I shared what i got from my tower and you wanted me to die from the chest. how do i work with you

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@Nerbins you can do the rest. Goodnight.

dont do it

But you didnt tell the truth about what you got

Also when is this being given out

yes I did



Press X to doubt Isaac

Because we need to be united, I’ll admit that my super gun power Was a lie.

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X! I say X!

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