[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

Nice. Isaac, I don’t want to shoot Marg. I was gonna shoot you, but apparently I’d Be modblocked.

good to hear should of kept that to yourself

Picking stuff up counts as an action

But you can do like

/pick up ice while picking up the stick

To effectively get 2 actions for 1

Might be dependent on distance from 2nd item doh

why are we talking about killing each other D1

This is why you never trust pinkie promises

Does looking around count as an action?


Isaac lies about everything so half the game wants him dead or him to stop lying

And then his supporters want me dead


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Wazza actually tricked me…

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Wazza intentionally tricks us tbh

Cuz he likes trolling us

I was confused on what to do since I only have 1 action and nothing on my floor

if anyone found tiny space you can’t get inside ping me

although, there wont be anythign just lying on the ground that he doesnt point out.
itll be in drawers, under windows, etc.
you’ll get these things by investigating what he does tell you about

i would prefer to have it.
i could make something neat

I mean there was a lot of stuff lying around before

So can I

But sure

would you be modblocked only if you tried to kill isaac
or both isaac and marg

im selling the bullets then

well i mean i have the hammer.
which like literally gives me the ability to construct stuff

But uhh simon

I have cool stuff too