[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

yea so i get revenge from now by selling all my stuff

you are actively inciting us to kill you by your actions


I wanted Isaac to give me bullets so i could kill him and save our leader.

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you sealed it

wait i misread, ignore it

OR you could not do that, try acting more sensible, and we wont want to kill you

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@Nerbins how do i sell my stuff

im gonna die

and its gonna be from one of you guys

i am not that evil ok?

because your doing stuff that makes us want to kill you.
if you dont do that stuff you wont die

its literally that simple


no im gonna die

you cant help someone who wont help themselves i guess

its impossible for me not to die

stop trying to make me give you bullets

repeat the same word again and again won’t save you, only action can


they are gonna be sold

tahts why i have a knife

well isaac now i actually just want to kill you rather than reasoning with you, good job