[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

I haven’t played this before what can you construct here

Thanks for confirming monsters

Idk,the only flood Game played was canned d2 with no things build(to my knowledge)

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In that Game you had to build a raft to win(half the players had this wincon)

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Also Meteoro sold us wizards out.

I mean creating a raft is an option

I mean. Monsters were already confirmed.

They would’ve been.

If I read to the terms and conditions and chose not to have them exist.


Wait why do you think it’s bad here then

We were effectevely survivors,and either way I was dead anyway (and I throught I was alone)

You should build a water purifier so we can just drink all the water

You need materials

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You misinterpreted the role card.
Everyone in the building that wasn’t a wizard had to be dead.

Ya but hammer lets you build for free

While you use other turns normally and find materials

Did we have the same card?
I asked boopy if I won if people escapped and i remained alone(I planned on picking diver) and i was told yes"

Let me rephrase that.
Our condition was that the building had to be completely flooded by the end of the game.


You interested in joining?


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Question, Marg.
Will you be mad if there are no possessed dolls in this game?