[Misc] The Flood (Scrapped)

Did you search f2 for raft parts


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What floor

Nerbins did It hatch alone or did you break It?

Floor 3
It says strange monstruous egg
There may be 1 per floor

I first searched for dangerous or useful thing,found a knife,now I searched for anything,only found the egg

Maybe the egg isn’t dangerous?
What hatched from the one in F2?

Search your floor to see if there is an egg
I’m not breaking mine just in case

Nerbins post to know you’re alive

Both Gamer and I searched the floor, we didn’t find an egg there

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I believe only whatever hatches is dangerous,maybe the eggs don’t hatch unless broken?

Did you search for anything?
I first looked for things useful or dangerous and only gota knife

We both searched the floor which is pretty much the same thing

I didn’t even know you could look for specific things

I just say “I search for anything,even for hidden things”

That’s exactly what Nerbins and I had.

What did it say when It hatched?

I doubt we can block the path without materials to do so

Did the egg hatch because you broke It?

We were never told that the egg hatched, to be fair.

Could it just be that… the egg itself moved to your floor?

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