[Misc] The Flood (Scrapped)

In any case, Nerbo and I will still search for a monster during the dusk here as one searches for other raft-related items.

Just search for anything

Basically the idea I’m having for myself and Nerbo is one searches for the monster with their first action while the other searches for raft items, then we swap it, I would search for the monster with my second action and Nerbo would look for raft stuff

Didn’t nerbins attack the egg?
Also the feedback you recieve un floor chat isn’t complete,I found the eggs and It only says “Meteoro searched the floor”

What did you do with your actions?
Also I have imsomnia,I can hear what you do at nightfall

You mean Insomnia?
This is the second time you spelled your ability wrong

I searched for alcohol and tried to smash the egg

I found a shot of Vodka and it said there wasn’t an egg to be found

Did nerbins find the egg?
Maybe It can move?

I’m bad at spelling

But isn’t the word Insomnia on your card? If it is, then you should have no trouble saying it as you have that to reference to

I skimed throught the card when I read it
I wanted to be send near people because I learn what people on my floor and adjacent ones do at night

Did It actually hatch,or you assumed it hatched and It moved to floor 3?

Margaret acts weird.

They searched stuff amd don’t say a single word about what they found nor any info what I should do, since they already searched and know stuff.

Whats your floor?

Floor 5.

Did you find anything?

I didn’t search anything.

Marg did and I asked them if they can say what is on this floor so I can use my actions better.

Like if they found carpentry tools I would be able to build osmething using my action instead of finding same stuff… again.

That’s why them not trying to help at all is weird.

If someone finds something,they pick It,also you get told little info on the floor

The info itself would help a lot tho.
They refuse to cooperate tho.

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Like if I specify what I’m searching for, I am more likely to get it, like someone did with knife before.

So depending on what this room is, there is optimal things to search for.