[Misc] The Flood (Scrapped)

Marg like this if you found something dangerous

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Eevee get out of there

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Celeste, like this post if it has something to do with the egg

From now on 3+ teams

I feel we should stick with 2 people teams, that way, we have the chance to explore more rooms in less time, it even lessens the chance of more people being killed by whatever the hell is in here

Everyone Alive like this post


Wasn’t the corpse there at the start of the game?

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We have time,we should try to survive,not rush floors

Also Marg.
Like this post if you’re just screwing with us.


With more exploration, we can possibly find more weapons to defeat the monster so we can survive

Isn’t this like stuff angleshooting?

Marg liked the post.

:point_right: :woman: :mag:

So you’re telling us to search you?

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Alright, who’s searching Margaret?

And Celeste, is there anything else you want to speak through emojis?

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:dolls: :arrow_forward: :x:

Oh geez, this is harder to decipher
Dolls don’t exist?

:dolls: :arrow_forward: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Dolls don’t talk?
So you’re a doll?