[Misc] The Flood (Scrapped)

You didn’t laugh at my Aether joke tho


now is not the time for questions like “where is Jakrel?” and “who’s this dead body?”, Now is the time for voting! Huzzah!

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/Elect myself
The person that has the guts to speak first should be leader

Tbh Idrc who is the leader, but we should scavenge the lower floors first, considering they will be flooded first.

I agree, and it wouldn’t hurt to know where the dead body is and who it is

its right in front of you, on floor 15 which is where you stay by default

Welp, that’s one question answered

Also do we need to move everything we gather manualy through 15 floors?

Like if we find anything useful for raft, moving it up 15 floors is a lot.

depends how big it is

Ok whos mafia

/vote eevee

I think it worth theorising what we should be looking for before we set out

Diver’s kind of important, so certainly someone should be that

Are you mafia, thats a lot of iioa

We need builder later on top floor.
At first we will need them to creare tools froms scrap on lwoer floors and then move on to create raft.

Hunter to protect people (?) - I fully expect monsters or something and thats why corpse was here.

Diver should really only go back to scouted floors where we were forced to leave out something important.

Moving in groups of 2/3 is adviced so we can gather all we can from each floor and protect from whatever is dangerous here.


Is there even a mafia stated?

@Marluxion lets be buddies

Yes. Scum caught :clap:

/vote bluestorm

Do we all have a specific thing tied to our roles, as it were?

Luxy, you know that you’re voting your Scumread to become this day’s leader, right?