[Misc] The Flood (Scrapped)

Also I found a bottle of whiskey for blue

Can you explain how your deaf mechanic works?

No all I got told is I am deaf

Keep posting until boopy tells you you are dead

Hey so fun news

Neither Nerbo or I picked up a role

So we’re gonna have some fun defending ourselves

Or I can just run.

How big is the monster? How dangerous is it?

We don’t know.
All we know is that the egg is gone.

I have whisky

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What floor are you on?

Make that a “we”, pal.

I ain’t sticking around at night for some creature from the deep to slurp my innards

Ask boopy,she told me the meaning of my ability

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Someone is going to have to kill that thing at some point. We can’t just hope that it’ll disappear if we run away from it!

Marl,luxy,do not go to floor 2
Floor 3 seems clear of dangers if you need to escape

At least the egg didn’t explo-

Can a knife kill a monster?

I think monsters can climb up floors, so I wouldn’t call Floor 3 the safest floor

Uhhhh, what’s with the cutoff of text?

Maybe we can block the way