[Misc] The Flood (Scrapped)

On the floor chat.
Still no answer tho.

It’s starting to get from suspicious to full out worrying me.

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When does next phase begin?

Should’ve already begun

@Margaret talk if you are alive

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Floor number 5

Merc found a patchf of goop…

Whoever has a gun
I request assistance!!

I’m not sure gun is best weapon against a goo.

And Margaret went missing too…

Without assistnace I’m gonna run away from there.

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Need info about dead body.

This could tell us what we are up against in this tower.

I’ll probably try to defend myself with a knife and run if overpowered
Also merc said they were going to check ceiling and walls

If I’m in danger of dying I’ll try something stupid btw

Lesson for future - we shouldn’t insta search, but scout a room for dangerous stuff like monsters first.

It doesn’t have a face

… what

I searched for dangerous and useful stuff first,only found a knife,floors may change

Acid monster maybe?

That’s exactly what the description of the corpse is, I can’t go any further than that

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Did you have more description and are not allowed to say or you found nothing more?

Gamer and I came up with a theory that the face was removed, but we don’t know why

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There’s no extra details on description