[Misc] The Flood (Scrapped)

You’re on floor 2, yes?


Wait, the egg’s on floor 2?

What question

Was there anything about Meteor besides him being a wizard?

@PoisonedSquid can you look for a key?

I don’t wanna waste an action fighting a crab or searching for this egg

I wanna get materials at least

I’ll search for materials.
You can deal with the crab.

You said you were getting out of dodge, and need I remind you neither of us have a weapon?

You have some glass.

Oh his wincon was to sabotage efforts. Be the only one alive when the tower completely floods.

Did it say anything about him being an insomniac?

So, NK down?

No lol

I think he was more of a mafia kinda type

Did you see Met as someone more than just a Wizard?

“Be the only one alive” isn’t a mafia wincon.

It’s in my pocket

Lost wolf then?

Maybe it’s like SS13 or Barotrauma, like where there’s more than one traitor, but sometimes they’re tasked with killing the other.