[Misc] The Flood (Scrapped)

So under no circumstances should you vote for me yet, actually

There could be types of individuals around here that has to do a certain objective to screw us over

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I kinda wonder what the price is.

Possibly the main mechanic is that at some point of the game we will have to start killing each other to survive the flood.
But that’s a topic for later imo.

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Something more like danganronpish, not FMesque.

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I think bluestorm is the bad guy

Alcoholic = converted drunk = scum faction class

Oh right guys, I’m the prince, I’m a good guy!


If there was anything wrong with me saying Alcoholic I would not have said it.

Trust me, I considered people jumping to this conclusion.

Okay Lux are you like a hitman?
Determined to kill Blue?
Cuz there are straws, and you seem to be grasping at them.


I am losing hope in these forums

  1. I can’t you believe you’d think I’d be that obvious if i was actually a lyncher.
  2. How can you guys not see obvious sarcasm

…how-how were we supposed to know it was sarcasm?

I started off by acting like this was a game of mafia???

Hard to see what you call “obvious sarcasm” when you’ve been pushing on me this entire game already

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‘Pushing’ by saying youre evil because ur class is called alchoholic from a different gamemode?

I’ve seen you do dumber.
It’s hard to tell.

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You’ve been shadethrowing me this entire game Luxy, don’t try and say it was one comment.

‘Look hes trying to sabotage us’

Are you serious?

Winter Chaos.