Misc: Trapped - Game over. PKR is free

Hippo are you messing with us

If you see something Hippo then damn say it.
IDK why you would just say you saw something instead of saying what it is.
We can end this damned floor with a victory if you are being honest.

I am like 99% sure I know what Hippo is talking about. He is talking about the hidden atom that you need to zoom in to see a black background.

Can you find out which ones have that hidden atom thing?

Literally the entire post.
Except the one with letter, that one has white background.

Change to white background if ur not on it and look lol

Hippo, stop trying to bait people into going on lightmode.


Why is it people spend longer deciding a box in a misc over votes in LYLO?


Ye, but App was on and had to self control to not lol open a box. Shocking

put a timer on it.

I took like a few minutes.
Sure, I chose wrong but I was the fastest.

I honestly wasn’t expecting there to be a need for it.

Ob my turn I’m picking in 2 seconds

/pick Funny box

This isn’t going to end well.



Funny contains a shiny gold bar.

2 good presents opened
2 bad presents opened

@Appelsiini picks next

get rekt gamers

anyway I think it’s probably either “avoid red” or “pick words that have a double letter”

it could also just be the top 2 rows are bad