[Mod-Exclusive Cosmetic] Banhammer

We all know the mods put a lot of work volunteering their time into well, moderating the discord- and when the game hits release… I’d hate to be a downer, but every game had those trolls and throwers. So we’ll need those mods, or GMs as many games abbreviate them as, to manage game-reports. As the devs will likely be busy devving they need not stress over reports, that’s what the mods are for!!!

Anyways, I have a relatively simple idea.
A cosmetic weapon which is exclusive to moderators. The weapon would be a hammer that banishes he (or she, it?) whom is being executed through a Portal to the Nether-reaches (underworld?hell?)

I feel it would be a sweet little reward for the awesome mods that moderate this community. Shout out to mommy @Queen_Alfa .

P. S. The execution effect, I can see it in my mind. A Portal opens behind the guiltied person, as if a tear in reality (magic of course my dear Watson!), and the executioner smacks him info it with the hammer.

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If the weapon existed, we would immediately know who’s a moderator.

And that is bad why?

Maybe ppl will acting as good people in that game, but when they go to other game…

they should be good in all games

In fact even if they’re not good in other games, YOU can just make a report. :man_shrugging:

YOU = Every non-mod player

They might start sucking up to you mods or specifically targeting.


If mods are afraid of that they could just not equip the wep though?

I’ll kill the mods :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Spoiler Alert

… yes it is Bob. I was being sarcastic.

you could also give it to guides so people think a mod is watching them

Or you could sell it in the shop so regular players blend with mods and you never know if you’re being watched. :thinking:

it would be very expensive, and free for mods

Yas. :smiley:

make it as expensive as the dress. 99,999,99 sounds like a reasonable price xD

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