Modkilled - A twist on Forum Mafia (Renegade, Disciples and Damafaud win!)

I claim drunk.

This counts as directly outing a role and is against the rules. Apologies for the inconvenience

Here since im willing to risk and ether way one of us dies anyways /vote polik

Can the mod champion their own faction at all then? For example, I think I have you two figured out already. So… does that mean you can’t champion anymore?

If it’s true, then the principle behind the ability becomes pointless.

The good mod can champion whomever they wish, cult or non

They just can’t do it to directly out someone’s specific class, so don’t ask them to.

/vote Polik

Drunk on Tech if he’s innocent. We have to lynch somebody.

Can a mod just champion someone random so we can kill both suspects?

We will, don’t worry.

Also, Insanity, who did you rb, if anyone?

I just want to make everything clear.

I didn’t rb anyone.

Well it will be useful tonight.

We should lynch Polik, and if he’s Martyr that means you’ll need to RB tech.

We already have 2 votes on Polik, but we need 4 more.

I’m up ty @Insanity

Claim and vote up polik XD

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Claim your class <3

And vote to lynch Polik.

You too Insanity

/vote Polik

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Stop voting Polik until @Pug claims as well.

@Namari, you’re up. Claim and action.