Modkilled - A twist on Forum Mafia (Renegade, Disciples and Damafaud win!)

Someone being attacked and healed is very unlikely though, so don’t hesitate to hammer Pug. We already know Cult is between Wolfy and Simon, and there are very few people who are not confirmed yet and could’ve been attacked and healed last night.

I was attacked last night.

Beware the drifters. Not active, not quiet. Post ‘just enough’ to be safe.

Okay, so the Renegade probably thinks you’re Cult. Who did you heal?

Also, vote Pug.

I decided to heal Namari.

/vote pug

Reminder: Namari is autoconfirmed when Pug flips.

Pug is at L2.

Renegade, if you’re reading this, I suggest you attack the other person in the pair I told you about earlier. :wink:

We’re keeping you alive until the Ultimate Sacrifice, don’t worry.

We have a problem.
I asked Marluxion who was visited by an Observant Night 1.
The answer was Simon.
The dead observer claimed to have visited Hippo and gotten a guilty result.
Pug claimed to have visited someone dead.
Namari claimed to have visited Insanity.
I am pretty sure that there is something wrong here.
and that wrong thing is Marluxion the Evil Mod.

The Renegade would be on cool down since no kill though.

You were not healed, correct?

Nothing happened to me. I wasn’t attacked.

From an attack I mean

Yeah, from what you’re saying, I infer that Marl is evil.

But that sounds like a stupid lie.

We can be absolutely certain that either Simon or Wolfy is Cult since each mod can only protect one person.

Yeah but no observant claim claimed to have visited Simon Night 1.
And we have no redirectors.

We were already certain of that yesterday.

Of what you both said. Yeah, this means Marl is going to be sacrificed.