Modkilled - A twist on Forum Mafia (Renegade, Disciples and Damafaud win!)

It’ll take more than that for me to claim.

Either way, we need more people to check in before I even consider it.

We have eight Disciples:
2 Matyrs
2 healers
a modeium
a vessel.
We know the distribution exactly.
Which means not only we can force-clear at least one person(two if Revenant claims) we can additionally lynch the most suspect of the counterclaims. The Evils have only investigators(which will be useless) and framers. And one of the observers is dead anyways…

A mod has championed Lymphoma!

@Lymphoma You may dayvig one player during any day phase. (It doesn’t have to be used today.)

Lymphoma unapproved usage of this dayvig, even if you are an observer with a guilty result(frame, lies), will result in your lynch. Do not use it. If you are a revenant do not shoot anyways- if this came from the Emod it will kill you.
Let the massclaim run through first and let us see who is confirmed innocent.

Claim your role



Yeah everyone please

I am observant

I will tell my n1 result later

Since I was guarded and we agreed the good mod likely was the one who protected me then can I not claim for now?

You must claim regardless

That sounds scummy. We know that the evil mod killed Boss.
By extension, the evil mod cannot have shielded PKR.
So why should PKR claim first?

Yeah its ok if he is goimg to claim later makes sense

Im going to quickshoot anyone who posts without a claim instead of pkr

Nightx can claim later too

I need claims from namari and insanity real fast

She sounds concerned in this post

Insanity and namari cant be mafia together

I dont like this

Cult knows the mods in their
Townslip accepted


To clarify, to dayvig a player while championed, you just type /Dayvig [playername] in the thread. You don’t do it via PM.

Players who are dead now have a strike through their name in the OP.