Modkilled - A twist on Forum Mafia (Renegade, Disciples and Damafaud win!)

Also, just to count, we have 2 dead Cult and 3 dead Disciples.

So 3 remaining Cult, 5 Disciples, and the Renegade.

martyr i was on simon

With me being pretty much lock Disciple all things considered

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Uh, Vulgard is Martyr

/vote Tech

nightx there can be more then 1

Lymph is dead Martyr

well im claiming second maryr

So you or Vulgard is evil.

I trust Vulgard more

well if i had the power to kill from a mod i could shoot vulgard but i cant

Good Mod can you resolve this issue?

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Good mod, listen to me your confirmed Disciple!
I want you to champion the true Martyr.
As we are confused and your help can lead us to victory

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and yes im willing to risk a faulty gun if a evil mod gives me that power

Evil Mod already championed Lymph.

So any gun you get is legit

oh right yah good mod can you please give me a gun so i can prove myself

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Or if he’s not legit give one to Vulgard

Either way we guarantee a Cult death.

And you’re screwed if the Sacrifice comes and 3 Cultists remain

well we got to wait till the good mod comes on to decide who gets the gun

Also @techwolves and @Vulgard

Whichever one of you is legit guard PKR, since he’s confirmed.

ill guard but if the good mod gives me the gun vulgards dead

The gun is a day action. You can do both :+1: