Modkilled - A twist on Forum Mafia (Renegade, Disciples and Damafaud win!)

We will start this once FoL 12 has finished. So if you’re wanting in, try to /join before then.

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FOR SPARTA!!! Dun dun dunnn dun dun dunnn dun dun dunnnnnnnn

This will start in roughly 48 hours if it hasn’t filled. If it fills, it will start ASAP.

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Time to persuade my friendo @Namari to join?

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Sure! New players are welcome :smile:

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inb4 he looked my class and posted who I am

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Sorry dont want to scroll all the way down /join

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Wait little confused ultimate sac? Care to explain?

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Make sure to read both of the rules tabs.

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Ok i understand def /in



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Are u and eevee the mods or is it randomly distributed to the players

Me and Dama are the mods. Eevee is a backup mod

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O ok

Marl is Evil Mod, Dama is Good Mod

Think I am getting my friends on here…

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I summon @Namari.

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I’ll wait for him/her if they have an interest

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and he afk’ed.

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He has 45ish hours, he’ll make it in time :wink:

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